Wireless Network Access:
To log onto our wireless network:
1. Search available networks for “Library”, which is the name of our wireless network.
2. You are now on our wireless network.
3. Wireless network is only available during library hours.
To print from our wireless network using a laptop or mobile device :
- Follow this link to our wireless printing service. We use PrinterOn as the wireless print driver. You can print from a laptop or mobile device. (Note: If you already have a PrinterOn app, just add Vail Public Library to be able to print on our wireless network, but the app is not required to print from PrinterOn.)
- Use the print client to send your jobs to the print release station. PrinterOn uses your email address to identify your print jobs on the print release station.
- Proceed to the print release station to release your print jobs.
- 5 pages of printing per day are free. Additional pages are $0.20/page.
To print emails from mobile devices or print using a smartphone:
You can also send an email with attachments to our print station and print your documents. The body of the email will be one print job and each attachment will be a separate print job.
- Send or forward an email with attachment(s) to vail-public-library-1@printspots.com
- A confirmation email will be emailed back to you saying that your print job is ready.
- At the print station enter your email address to release the documents.
- 5 pages of printing per day are free. Additional pages are $0.20/page.
Library Amenities include:
- Free public Internet & MS Office workstations (print up to 5 pages/day free)
- Free wireless Internet access (see below for wireless Internet access information)
- Free wireless printing (up to 5 pages/day free) (see below for wireless printing information)
- SMS/text messaging of holds, overdue, renewals through Shoutbomb
- Fireside Lounge
- Children’s Room
- Magazine Lounge
- Community Room
- Remote access to downloadable audiobooks, music, & videos
- Access to online periodicals & databases
- Library programs