Lending Policy:
Patrons are obliged to return borrowed materials on the dates specified and to inform the library of any change in address, phone number or email. Patrons are responsible for the payment of all fines and the replacement cost of damaged or lost items. Failure to return library materials may result in your account being turned over to a collection agency. Parent/guardian is responsible for items borrowed by minors under 18 years of age.
Membership Eligibility:
Library card memberships are available to guests staying in the area, Vail residents, Vail seasonal workers, juveniles attending school in Eagle County, residents with a Colorado Drivers License living in Eagle County and Colorado residents with a Colorado Drivers License who are card holders at their local libraries. Applicants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a valid form of government issued photo ID unless the student is enrolled in an Eagle County School. Students who attend Eagle County Schools can use their school ID at Vail Public Library through the One Card program; for more details on the One Card program, please read the FAQ here.
ADOPTED: July 23, 2020
Self Register for a library card HERE
A library card is required to:
-Check out library materials
-Request library materials from other library systems
-Use a Vail Public Library internet computer
Use your smartphone as your library card:
Your library card can be digitized using the CardStar or Key Ring apps for free.
Available for check-out:
- Books
- Audio Books & Playaways
- DVDs
- Music CDs and downloadable music
- eAudiobooks
- eBooks
- Streaming video
Check out periods:
- Books, Music CDs, Audio Books & Playaways check out for a three week period.
- DVDs check out for a one week period.
- eAudiobooks and eBooks may be checked out for up to three weeks as long as this option is chosen. Also available are one week and two week check out periods.
- Streaming video checks out for a 72 hour period.
- Books, Music CDs, Audio Books & Playaways are available for 2 two-week renewals as long as there are no Vail Public Library patrons on the waitlist for the item. Patrons are also allowed to bring the item in for check-in and it can be checked back out for the full three-week period as long as there are no Vail Public Library patrons on the waitlist for the item.
- DVDs are not available for renewal and cannot be checked out again until the next day after check-in.
- eAudiobooks, eBooks, eMusic and streaming videos are not available for renewal.
- Patron placed holds will remain on the Hold Shelf for 7 days and will be pulled on the 8th day.
- Patrons cannot place holds on Vail Public Library DVDs, they are checked out on a first-come first-serve basis. However, DVD holds may be placed through Interlibrary Loan.
Late fees per item:
- $1.00/day for DVDs
- $ .25/day for Books, Audio Books & Music CDs
- eAudiobooks, eBooks. eMusic and streaming video will return automatically and will not accrue late fees.
Damaged Materials:
- Library materials should be returned in good condition. Replacement and processing fees will be assessed to the borrower’s account for items returned in damaged condition. Damage includes, but is not limited to:
- Water/Snow damage
- Burned or ripped covers, cases or pages
- Ripped or removed labels, barcodes or RFID tags
- Dirt, food, beverage or other substances on materials
- Highlighting or underlining of text
Blocked Cards:
- If your account has fines or fees totaling $10.00 or more, you will not be able to check out or renew materials. You can pay your fines/fees online if you owe more than $10.00 (Visa and Mastercard accepted).
- Accounts that have been sent to collections are also blocked.
You must have your library card with you in order to check-out materials or use our public Internet stations. As a cardholder, you are responsible for all materials borrowed on your library card.