Children’s Policy

Vail Public Library strives to provide a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for children. Programs, resources, technology and access are designed for use by children to foster literacy and learning. Parents and guardians are responsible for the safety, behavior, and supervision of their children while using the Library. The Library respects the privacy of all patrons and will intervene only when a child is believed to be at risk, disturbing other patrons, or is endangering him or herself.

Children eleven years of age and under must be accompanied by a guardian or caretaker who is at least sixteen years of age while in the Library. The Library is a public space and staff has many responsibilities and cannot provide childcare or assume parental/guardian responsibility for children’s safety. Parents, guardians and caregivers are directly responsible for the conduct, safety and supervision of children while on Library premises.

The Patron Code of Conduct (on display in the Library) extends to children and teens, as well as adults. All children are expected to behave in a manner that respects the Library property and that is appropriate to the use and function of the Library. If a child behaves in a disruptive manner, the child may be asked to correct their behavior. Library staff may, at their discretion, contact a parent, guardian, caregiver or police officer to assist with a child/children as circumstances warrant.

At closing time, staff will encourage any unattended child to contact his or her parent, guardian or caregiver. If the child or staff member cannot locate the parent/guardian either within the Library or by phone, staff will call non-emergency police at 970-479-2201, to pick up the child. Two staff members will remain with the child until the parent, guardian, caregiver or police, arrives. Under no circumstance will a staff member transport any child from the Library to another location.


ADOPTED: July 9, 2020

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