Library Calendar

June 9, 2021

Virtual Yoga

Category: Healthy Lifestyle Virtual Yoga

June 9, 2021

Join us for yoga from the comfort of your own home! Email:  Sandy at for an invitation to the Zoom meeting.

Vail Public Library's Gentle Yoga Class, taught by Anne Anderson, Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Registered with Yoga Alliance, Professional Ski Instructor of America at Vail, is appropriate for those who want a softer, nurturing, slow-paced, well-supported and relaxing practice. The approach  includes carefully orchestrated movements, controlled pressure, and well-measured stretches, including range of motion exercises. Postures may be approached in gradual steps, with plenty of time to focus on breathing and repetition so that the practice is simple to do and easy to remember.

Gentle yoga style encourages a highly individualized approach to practice with on-going encouragement to make moment-to-moment adjustments.


Virtual Books 'n Bites - “Sweet tooth” by Ian McEwan

Category: Adults Virtual Books 'n Bites - “Sweet tooth” by Ian McEwan

June 9, 2021

Join us! for this month's Virtual Book Club via Zoom which will discuss the book “Sweet tooth” by Ian McEwan

Email Lori Barnes at to receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting.

Britain, 1972. The cultural cold war continues, and the country is being torn apart by industrial unrest and terrorism. Serena Frome, the beautiful daughter of an Anglican bishop, finds herself being groomed for the intelligence services in her final year as a student at Cambridge. Recruited into MI5 against a backdrop of the Cold War, Serena, a compulsive reader, is assigned to infiltrate the literary circle of a promising young writer whose politics align with those of the government. This ‘secret mission’ brings her into the literary world of writer Tom Haley. First, she loves his stories, then she begins to love the man. Can she maintain the fiction of her undercover life?