Library Calendar

The week's events

  • Safe In Person STORY TIME

    Category: Kids Safe In Person STORY TIME

    September 8, 2020

    Story Time is Back! We are excited to invite families back to our early literacy story time. Starting July 14  and running through August, we will host Tuesday Story Time in our back yard at 11am. Stories, songs and movement activities will entertain our youngest patrons - appropriate for ages 6 and under. We'll be meeting on the lawn behind the library.
    Attendance at Back Yard Story Time does require some participant responsibility:

    • Please don't come if you and your family are not COVID-19 symptom free
    • Please observe 6 feet of distancing between your family and other patrons not in your household
    • Please wear a mask while you are at the library
    • We encourage you to bring your own seating. Camp chairs, blankets from home and carpet squares are welcome.
  • Walking Book Club

    Category: Healthy Lifestyle Walking Book Club

    September 11, 2020


    NO GRASS GROWS under this group's feet. They're a walking-talking book club. Our Walking Book Club is a fun, social outing with social distancing. It's a healthy workout for brains and gams.

    We meet in the library's Galleria at 11:30am and head out for a discussion of September's Books 'n' Bites title, “The Swans of Fifth Avenue” by Melanie Benjamin.  Come even if you have not read this month's title. Share what you are reading with the group.

  • Virtual Bilingual Story time

    Category: Kids Virtual Bilingual Story time

    September 12, 2020

    Bilingual Story Time with Miss Sandy. Books and songs in English and Spanish.

    Hora del Cuento Bilingue Con Sandy.Libros y Canciones en Ingles y Español.

    VPL's Facebook Page