Library Calendar

December 18, 2019

Sensational & Super Seniors

Category: Adults Sensational & Super Seniors

December 18, 2019

Please join other Eagle Valley Seniors from around the county at Avon's Eagle River Presbyterian Church and tell us all about your favorite Holiday readings, your traditions you celebrate or your best winter memory.

Evenings of Engagement with The Dickens Carolers

Category: Adults Evenings of Engagement with The Dickens Carolers

December 18, 2019

Join us in celebrating the holiday season with The Dickens Carolers. Wearing Victorian costumes (many of them are made by hand by the singers themselves), this volunteer choral group performs at the Vail Public Library. In addition, a "build-your-own-cocoa" bar will be supplied by Rimini Gelato, so you can enjoy a unique mug of delicious cocoa along with the carols.