Library Calendar

Events in September 2022

  • Virtual Books 'n Bites - “The beekeeper of Aleppo: a novel” by Christy Lefteri

    Category: Adults Virtual Books 'n Bites - “The beekeeper of Aleppo: a novel” by Christy Lefteri

    September 14, 2022

    Join us each month for a fun and lively virtual book club experience!

    We meet on the second Wednesday of the month via Zoom.

    Email Sandy at for an invitation to the monthly Books ‘n’ Bites.

    Every morning, Nuri the beekeeper rises early to hear the call to prayer before driving to his hives in the countryside. On weekends, his wife Afra, a gifted artist, sells her paintings at the open-air market in the square. They live simply, rich in family and friends, in the hills of the beautiful Syrian city of Aleppo — until the unthinkable happens. When all they love is destroyed by war, Nuri knows they have no choice except to leave their home. But escaping Syria will be no easy task: Afra has lost her sight, leaving Nuri to navigate her grief as well as a perilous journey toward an uncertain future in Britain. Moving, intimate, and beautifully written, this is a story for our times: It reminds us that our lives can be upended instantly — and brings a journey in faraway lands close to home, never to be forgotten.

  • Evenings of Engagement with David Rogers

    Category: Adults Evenings of Engagement with David Rogers

    September 21, 2022

    Evenings of Engagement is a series of events aimed at adults, with the purpose of offering exciting, interesting, fun or educational experiences.

    Join us in the library's community room for this fun concert featuring

    David Rogers

    Termed “a prominent guitarist” by the New York Times, and praised by The Washington Post for his “astonishingly florid” improvisations, David Rogers Fuses classical, jazz, and world music into beautiful, expressive and virtuosic performances.
    He is an endorsing artist for Aquila Strings (Italy) and his music has been featured in major guitar magazines such as Fingerstyle Guitar in the United States and Akustic Gitarre, in Germany.