Library Calendar

February 1, 2021

Art @ your library - Charmayne Bernhardt

Category: Art @ your library Art @ your library - Charmayne Bernhardt

February 1, 2021

Vail Public Library proudly displays local artists' work in our Fireside Lounge on a rotating schedule. Public viewing is available during library hours.

If you are interested in displaying your work, please contact Sandy Rivera at

The art on display for the month of February is by local artist, Charmayne Bernhardt, with the piece entitled  “And Then A Whisper” using a watercolor technique.

[maxbutton id="5" url="" text="Learn more about Charmayne and upcoming artists" ]

Virtual Zumba Class

Category: Healthy Lifestyle Virtual Zumba Class

February 1, 2021

Thanks to technology: We are able to offer Zumba virtually during our Stay At  Home! Email:  Sandy at for an invitation to the Zoom meeting.

Zumba is perfect for everybody and every body! Each Zumba®class is designed to bring people together to sweat it on.  We'll be together in spirit but safe at home!

Maria-Sugeidy Rivera will be your guide  to this very exciting dance party atmosphere full of Latin and international music. You'll forget you're working out with the sexy but simple moves to dance music like Cha Cha, Salsa, reggaeton, rumba and more.

Best of all, you don't need any previous dance experience!