Kick the Bag Habit



Vail Public Library is supportive of the Town of Vail initiative to reduce the waste and environmental impacts associated with single-use, disposable items, while recognizing the need to protect library materials from damage from inclement weather conditions.

Many years ago we replaced our free plastic bags with bags made from recycled, biodegradable plastic, and we have encouraged patrons returning items in these bags to re-use them. Bags that are well-used and bags that are returned to us from other local businesses are collected at the front desk and are disposed of in an environmentally sensitive manner.

Although the Town of Vail ordinance requiring local grocery stores to stop offering single-use plastic bags on August 1, 2015 does not apply to the Vail Public Library or other retail stores, we decided this is an appropriate time to begin to phase-out the use of disposable plastic bags offered by the library to locals and guests.

We will continue to use our stock of plastic bags already purchased, but we will not purchase more. Instead, with support from the Friends of the Library, we have purchased a stock of Town of Vail reusable bags, and we will offer one free bag to each patron for them to use when checking out materials from the library.

It will remain the patron’s responsibility to protect library materials from loss or damage, including damage by inclement weather, so we encourage patrons to get in the habit of bringing their reusable bag to the library on each visit.

We also have a stock of reusable bags available for patrons and guests to purchase as a souvenir for a small fee.

We thank you for your support of this initiative, and ask your help in protecting the valued materials at Vail Public Library.