Colorado by the Numbers – find statistical data on a huge number of subjects related to Colorado. Site sponsored by the University of Colorado.
FedStats – makes available statistics from more than 100 federal agencies.
Interactive 2010 Census Population Map – graphically and interactively shows where the population of the United States has shifted since the last census. This map was created by Forbes.
Kids Count – this website site consists of population data about age, gender, households, families, and housing units from the Census Short Form (Census SF1) and social, economic, and housing data from the Census Long Form (Census SF3).
National Center for Health Statistics – site sponsored by the Center for Disease Control (CDC)and dedicated to compiling statistical information on the health of Americans.
Statistical Abstract of the United States – authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
U. S. Census Bureau – American Fact Finder – contains population, housing, economic, and geographic data based on census data.