Do It Yourself Databases

Auto Repair Source

Powered by the automotive experts at MOTOR, Auto Repair Source provides the most accurate, authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins, and recalls.

Hobbies & Crafts Source

Hobbies & Crafts Source offers detailed “how-to” instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

Watch a short tutorial on using Hobbie & Crafts Source.

Home Improvement Source

Home Improvement Reference Center

This database provides do-it-yourselfers with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects through a collection of comprehensive full-text content.

Watch a short tutorial on using Home Improvement Source..

Law Depot

Allows you to create your own legal documents by having you answer questions pertinent to the document and your specific situation. Legal assistance is also available. Law Depot access for Vail Public Library cardholders is integrated into the Libby app.

Small Engine Repair Source

Small Engine Repair Source is your online tool for small engine repair assistance, including ATVs, commercial mowers, farm tractors, generators, motorcycles, marine (boats), outdoor power equipment, personal watercraft/jet ski (PWC), snow blowers, snowmobiles, tillers and other small engines. A library card is required to use this resource from home.